Ad tag is a piece of HTML or JS code snippet that will be inserted on the web page to fetch an ad from the ad server . These Ad tags acts as an placeholder to retrieve the ads from the ad server. These Ad tags triggers an ad-request and helps to deliver the right ad for the user at the right time.
Ad Tags
The most common tag types are Iframe and JavaScript Tags.
- Iframe tags allows an HTML page to be embedded in another HTML page
- Iframe loads independently from other components on the page. This helps Iframe tags to load faster
- Iframe tags are more secure since they load the ad from a different domain, so the browser does not allow scripts from the ad to access the host page
- Iframe tags are not supported by all the browsers and even can serve blank if they are not compatible
- Iframe tags doesn’t support richmedia creatives like expandable, Interactive banner.
Sample code
- Javascript tags are embedded directly into the HTML document
- Javascript tags puts less load on the server which helps to retrieve ad without any issues
- Javascript tags are supported by almost all browsers and devices
- Javascript tags supports rich media creatives which helps to deliver interactive ads to the users
- Multiple Ad sizes can be served with a single Javascript tag
Sample code